The rehabilitation of patients should not only be limited to the first phases during intense hospital care but also support and therapy\r\nshould be guaranteed in later stages, especially during daily life activities if the patient�s state requires this.However, aid should only\r\nbe given to the patient if needed and asmuch as it is required. To allow this, automatic self-initiatedmovement support and patientcooperative\r\ncontrol strategies have to be developed and integrated into assistive systems. In this work, we first give an overview\r\nof different kinds of neuromuscular diseases, review different forms of therapy, and explain possible fields of rehabilitation and\r\nbenefits of robotic aided rehabilitation. Next, the mechanical design and control scheme of an upper limb orthosis for rehabilitation\r\nare presented. Two control models for the orthosis are explained which compute the triggering function and the level of assistance\r\nprovided by the device. As input to themodel fused sensor data from the orthosis and physiology data in terms of electromyography\r\n(EMG) signals are used.